Employee Spotlight of the Week

Where are you from? Where did you go to school?
I grow up in Portland, Maine and went to school at Portland Public Schools. I wen to college and graduate school at USM.
Share something about your family and/or pets.
I live in Falmouth with my husband and two sons. My oldest son is going to be 10 soon and keeps busy playing a lot of sports. My younger son just turn 4 and always makes sure to keep us on our toes!
What makes you proud to be a member of the MSAD #51 community?
I feel proud to work with such a collaborative and supportive grade level and school team.
When you are not in school, what can you be found doing?
When we are not in school we love to spend time outside. We like to go hiking, go the beach, and have been spending a lot of time ice skating this winter!
What was your favorite class in school?
I enjoyed science and math class when I was in school.